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Computer Games -> Clans


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Fallen Empire Guild | Fallen Sword

Fallen Empire Guild | Fallen Sword

Fallen Empire is a Top 80 Guild in the online game Fallen Sword. Our clear aim is to become a top 10 guild.
Allied with Sverige, Phools Paradise, Dark Siege The Evil Dragon Flyers, and The Dark Templars. Currently recruiting anyone over Level 25.
If interested please contact a founder ingame or send a mail to Wzarlon..
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MoX - Malevolents of Xibalba - Multi Gaming Guild

MoX - Malevolents of Xibalba - Multi Gaming Guild

MoX is a European multi gaming community who hold teamplay and fairplay in the highest regard. MoX is an abbreviation for - Malevolents of Xibalba.
We are an online gaming community named and based loosely on the history of the Maya. More information on the Maya can be found in our Mayan Culture section which we have included as so many people respond to being told our name with what the hell does that mean?
For those not familiar with online gaming that simply means we are a collection .
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