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Clans | Fallen Empire Guild | Fallen Sword

Computer Games -> Clans

Fallen Empire Guild | Fallen Sword TopLink

Fallen Empire Guild | Fallen Sword

Fallen Empire is a Top 80 Guild in the online game Fallen Sword. Our clear aim is to become a top 10 guild.
Allied with Sverige, Phools Paradise, Dark Siege The Evil Dragon Flyers, and The Dark Templars. Currently recruiting anyone over Level 25.
If interested please contact a founder ingame or send a mail to Wzarlon.

Keywords: fallen sword, fallensword, guild, clan, fallen empire, supermum, assassinuk, wzarlon, greenguru, FE

Last edit: 14-09-2007 21:13:46
Category: Computer Games > Clans
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Link comments:
Comment by: Mohsin, 19-01-2012 : 15:29
Comment by: Wzarlon, 10-09-2007 : 16:38
Thanks plzplzme :) And also gl with your own one man guild.
You know you are always welcome to join us if the day should come where you want to be part of a closer community again.
Comment by: Plzplzme, 10-09-2007 : 14:33
Wow nice guild, cool......... good luck with top 10

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