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Community | Kongregate | Gaming Community

Computer Games -> Community

Kongregate | Gaming Community

Kongregate | Gaming Community

Founded in 2006 and currently in a state of heavy development, Kongregate seeks to create the leading online hub for players and game developers to meet up, play games, and operate together as a community.
By wrapping user-submitted Flash games with various community features, Kongregates site serves as a unique way for users to play great web-based games alongside friends.
Anyone can add their own games to Kongregates library in a process thats fast and simple. Kongregate operates with an understanding of how difficult it can be for talented game developers - from the aspiring gamesmith to the independent studio - to get the recognition and compensation that they deserve.
Thats why Kongregate shares microtransaction and advertising revenue with contributing developers, who retain the full rights to their games.

Keywords: games, flash, scoreboard, referrer, action, roleplay, strategy, upload own game, shooter, racing

Last edit: 05-08-2008 13:38:51
Category: Computer Games > Community
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