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Strategy & Roleplay | BiteFight | Vampires & Werewolves

Computer Games -> Strategy & Roleplay

BiteFight | Vampires & Werewolves

BiteFight | Vampires & Werewolves

The struggle between Vampires and Werewolves has rampaged for centuries.
It is your destiny to decide this battle!
Play now for free in this browser based adventure game. Hunt humans, vampires or werewolves and become the strongest

Keywords: bite fight, bite, vampire, werewolves, game, vampiregame, bitefight, mmorpg

Last edit: 24-10-2012 14:29:50
Category: Computer Games > Strategy & Roleplay
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Link comments:
Comment by: caris, 24-09-2012 : 23:37
you suck wewolves vampires will kick your ass and bite youre neck
Comment by: caris, 24-09-2012 : 23:33
vamires are so cool but i cant play
Comment by: caris, 24-09-2012 : 23:32
werwolves suck vampires are awsome
Comment by: julija, 23-05-2012 : 22:58
i love werewolves and ai don't like vampire's!!!
Comment by: ellie, 23-10-2011 : 18:44
i like vampires
Comment by: hazar007, 09-08-2011 : 12:00
cool im getting it

Comment by: dennes, 07-07-2011 : 03:57
I can not play
Comment by: jess =), 04-06-2011 : 19:23
Comment by: zander, 26-05-2011 : 01:51
werewolves are so cool.
Comment by: jadelyn, 28-04-2011 : 17:16
vampires are awesomer than werewolves bite those werewolves
Comment by: Shienah, 06-03-2011 : 14:06
i really really really really really really really LOVE Werewolves ! there the best ! they rule ! they are no . 1 ! :P vampires ! vampires suck ! they are so boring ! they are LOZZERRSS ! :P
Comment by: krystal, 30-12-2010 : 20:51
i like vampires because i saw twilight and i loved edward and beautiful bella.
Comment by: krystal, 22-12-2010 : 21:16
i say that vampires will win because i read twilight and i loved edward and bella.
Comment by: Kqydasa Henry, 22-11-2010 : 00:41
I will love to play bite me online in the bite fite
Comment by: Kqydasa Henry, 22-11-2010 : 00:37
Comment by: alia, 24-10-2010 : 23:08
how do u get to play????P.S. werewolfs are the man yo
Comment by: Werevamp, 12-08-2010 : 05:41
i love vampires and werewolfs like on Twilight,New moon,Eclipse,& Breaking dawn.i haven't seen eclipse yet & i love Edward & Jacob,too and don't know how to choose.LOVE YOU EC(Edward Cullen)!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by: wolf, 28-06-2010 : 04:15
I love wolves
Comment by: Alex, 16-05-2010 : 16:49
I like vampires & werewolves this game is awesome
Comment by: Leon, 14-05-2010 : 20:42
I like werewolves
Comment by: raduk, 13-05-2010 : 08:50
I think is a nice gameeee !!!!!
Comment by: asa99, 29-04-2010 : 14:15
vampires suck were wolves rule they can kick ass!!!
Comment by: braveboy, 09-04-2010 : 19:53
this game is asome i have been playing it for 3 years
Comment by: Fireranger, 22-03-2010 : 14:26
I am also an eternal. I am impressed.
Comment by: I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours!!!!!!!, 06-03-2010 : 22:40
I like Werewolves, and I like Vampires... but which is better? There's only one way to find out: FIGHT!!!
Comment by: osiris, 03-03-2010 : 01:04
how do u even get to play it >.< ? :O :(
Comment by: Geo Storm Trooper, 23-02-2010 : 20:20
Werewolves rock!
Comment by: Jess, 21-02-2010 : 22:18
I was wondering what this was like cause my moms real picky bout games and if any body could give me a good description that would be awesome.
Comment by: grant, 21-01-2010 : 23:55
cant even registor
Comment by: andreas, 20-01-2010 : 19:54
nice game
Comment by: werewolf, 18-12-2009 : 00:17
this game is awesome
Comment by: sandiso, 12-12-2009 : 16:58
nice and cool game
Comment by: EDWARDLOVER, 09-12-2009 : 04:04
OMG i finally found a website for VAMPIRES AND WEREWOLFES!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW I'm a twi-hard so yeah I LOVE EDWARD
Comment by: ethan, 07-12-2009 : 10:08
I think this is so cool I guess ho aver made this I wont to tell you this was a great plane
Comment by: To Amber, 24-10-2009 : 20:17
This game is what I play now and it isn't very good.You play as either a Werewolf or Vamp and try to kill the other race, but have you wait 15 minutes before each battle. and on Manhunt you hunt a minimum of 10 minutes and to become a Shodow lord to fight 5 min in between you must pay for Helistones in real life... and the shodow lord option only works for 14 days
Comment by: sotiris, 16-09-2009 : 15:25
i love vampires :)
Comment by: lolo, 16-09-2009 : 15:23
hey bite fiht is a amgazin game i love it
Comment by: jimi, 20-08-2009 : 21:26
I like werewolves and vampire games it looks like a cool game to play cunt wait to play it
Comment by: Georgia, 15-08-2009 : 17:43
GO.......... BITE FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by: Juliea, 29-07-2009 : 05:47
Hi im juliea I just wanted to no if there was any game like WoW but with no download or emai, this game looks fun but my moms picky about games. ty
Comment by: Mikke, 29-07-2009 : 05:45
If anyone sees any free games that have no download or email can you please let me no cause I dont think my mom would let me play this. oh by the way i want it to be a game like WoW. Ty please answer ASAP.
Comment by: Me, 29-07-2009 : 05:41
what do you do in this game i want to no if its like WoW cause I dont no if my mom will let me play it or not
Comment by: deadrose, 22-03-2009 : 20:57
Its really fun any person should try it and im so trying this game lol yeah im a girl and? lol jk hey if you see me i would luv to be your friend im a vampier by the way later!
Comment by: wolf, 11-02-2009 : 16:57
I love wolfs, and but love vampires. look at the beatiful cover!
I love BITEFIGHT!!!!! ;)
Comment by: Amber, 18-01-2009 : 05:07
this game looks awesome but my mom won't let me play it
Comment by: sotiris, 16-11-2008 : 12:55
i like this because i like vampires

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