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Strategy & Roleplay | The PokemonCrater Battle Arena

Computer Games -> Strategy & Roleplay

The PokemonCrater Battle Arena

The PokemonCrater Battle Arena

The Pokemon Crater Battle Arena is an online game where you can catch your own online Pokemon and battle them against other players.
The game is absolutely free to play.
When you sign up, you will choose a starter Pokemon. To catch more Pokemon, simply move around on one of the maps until another one appears. You can battle this Pokemon and try to capture it. If you capture it, it will be added to your team and you can use it to battle other people and catch more Pokemon!
The original game is down right now (nintendo closed it for weird reason) - we link to a new version that has been made.
READ THIS: PokemonCrater is being rebuilt and will be back in a while. Meanwhile go try another fun game you can play through your browser: Fallen Sword

Keywords: Pokemon Crater, PokemonCrater, Pokemon, free game, RPG

Last edit: 26-09-2008 20:14:12
Category: Computer Games > Strategy & Roleplay
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Link comments:
Comment by: CONNOR, 12-05-2012 : 22:08
Comment by: thomas, 22-12-2011 : 05:31
i love pokemon
Comment by: leah, 20-10-2011 : 17:43
i like cant even know how to get on
Comment by: pol, 25-07-2011 : 18:49
i like pie
Comment by: saima, 20-07-2011 : 17:23
what the, its saying that its bieng rebuilt & come back in while.
Comment by: drury, 03-07-2011 : 12:51
how do you sine up
Comment by: eeveelova20, 09-06-2011 : 04:21
wtc whyd they delete it? ive been lookin eeverywhere for a game like this n i finaly find 1 n its been deleted
Comment by: d3n1s, 25-05-2011 : 15:43
i miss it... i player pocemon crater 3 ago back, the best game! RETURN THE POCEMON CRATER!~
Comment by: SilverLugia1000, 25-12-2010 : 01:03
This game is Freakin fun but all I want is a Golden Lugia.
Comment by: WONG YI XIANG, 21-12-2010 : 06:33
Comment by: The Albino Blacksheep, 17-10-2010 : 22:18
can any one breing back the old one the new one should be destroyed!!!
Comment by: Charizze, 06-10-2010 : 05:56
There is no cheats , how do you put pets into lineup ?
Could someone add me as a friend and message me on how to do it .
Comment by: addie mae, 04-09-2010 : 07:17
How do you register
Comment by: chinatown,,,, 29-08-2010 : 08:07
what site can i found pokemon game with a true battle arena\\\???
Comment by: Luis, 24-08-2010 : 08:37
I wish the old pokemon came back i miss it to
Comment by: antanfleck, 12-08-2010 : 22:19
is there a way to 'send my Pokemon' to 'the Internet' to put it on my other nds Pokemon game, if yes sent answer to thanks.
Comment by: >:(, 21-07-2010 : 15:36
i hade a lv100 Aggron empoleon
Comment by: PRDG, 30-06-2010 : 21:17
The new pokemon crater is . You guys should friend me, I am PRDG
Comment by: Ryan, 16-04-2010 : 22:39
I know every thing about pokemon.
Comment by: jarho55555555555, 12-03-2010 : 20:25
omg i had legy's on pokemoncrater and the new game sugg !!!!! you need to defeat all gymleaders from kanto and elite 4 -.-
Comment by: richnew, 11-03-2010 : 09:56
how do u get legendaries in the pokemon battle arena (2nd version)
Comment by: murugan_69, 28-02-2010 : 08:24
old pokemoncrater im very best 9 ranck
Comment by: malik, 21-02-2010 : 18:59
pokemon vortex isnt the new pokemon crater its different.........i miss pokemon crater but theres this guy on youtube who said it was back 3 days ago but he wont tell the site unless i subscribe
Comment by: peter, 20-02-2010 : 18:27
i want to play.
Comment by: gervase11, 19-02-2010 : 18:50
come bey pokemon crater needs to come back
Comment by: abhishek...., 19-02-2010 : 09:51
i want cheats dude
Comment by: Yung Dub, 30-01-2010 : 19:49
man i miss tha old version of pokemoncrater it waz tha best online poke' game...
nintendo needz 2 stop it an nock it off...
Comment by: john, 29-01-2010 : 04:19
whenever login i never get credits please help
Comment by: dan, 01-01-2010 : 01:19
i cant put pokemon on my line up im so mad
Comment by: Leo weaver, 21-12-2009 : 12:05
im the best at pokemon games
Comment by: poop, 29-11-2009 : 01:36
i love pokemon
Comment by: whyhow, 27-11-2009 : 15:34
what a nice games
Comment by: Anuraag, 24-11-2009 : 09:07
Yes, u all r right , old pokecrater was fantastic .....

Is it going to be rebuilt ????????????????
Comment by: nexeon, 24-11-2009 : 02:08
pokemon crater is really back its new name is
Comment by: kayen, 22-11-2009 : 05:02
Did mew create every pokemon.
Comment by: jasper, 20-11-2009 : 10:14
this game s awesome!
Comment by: seanjames, 24-10-2009 : 01:58
how to get more legendary pokemon plz me!!!!!!!!!
Comment by: pokemon lover except ash!!, 03-10-2009 : 08:09
i like it but can u give me shiny pokemon??
because the first pokemon crater i have 8 legends so i dont know the pass and user ^_^
Comment by: justin, 25-09-2009 : 10:43
how do ya start ta play
Comment by: Arjun Arora, 18-09-2009 : 10:44
when the pokemon crater will be fully rebuilt. Ihave get bored playing this pokemoncrater 2nd version
Comment by: Trainer706, 18-09-2009 : 05:28
Does any1 know were some pokemon games are im playing POKEMON INDIGO @ the moment and i dont like it. BRING BACK!!! pokemon crater who's with me.
Comment by: Jack, 09-09-2009 : 12:40
This game has been upgraded multiple times. But I found a new site that was a lot like this that I think might have just been a trick to get your password. It was called something like, the new pokemon crater. You could use your pokemon crater account on it. However I made a new account on it and it played very well. Loaded fast and had some cool things like being able to get a bike or car. Or only being able to travel to a different town once each day. If any one knows whether or not this game is for real could they please tell me?
Comment by: LIAM, 14-08-2009 : 10:23
how do you get mew and turtwig
Comment by: WWPC, 05-08-2009 : 02:00
Hey i hope pokemon well come back on soon
Comment by: gray, 31-07-2009 : 22:31
i wish i could play this one day
Comment by: crator creator, 07-07-2009 : 17:21
that game rules
Comment by: david, 01-07-2009 : 16:27
is it a use for computers not video games
Comment by: JJ, 24-06-2009 : 17:16
yo dude the pokemon red game is awsome because im so far in the game just one part
Comment by: jitendra_grg, 14-06-2009 : 12:52
where to get all legendary pokemon in psp without using cheats
Comment by: nisad shrestha, 14-06-2009 : 12:41
how can i get other tickets except s.s. ticket
Comment by: spimpo, 03-06-2009 : 03:40
oh good times! pokemon crater was sooooooo good! and fun! but the one i played was sht down december 1st 2007 . such sad times. it was such a good game!~!! the other pokemoncraters such ballz! you cant catc pokemon. you gotta buy them! thats so stupid. bring pokemoncraer back!
Comment by: jarrell crittendon, 05-05-2009 : 00:02
pokemon is the best show in the world
Comment by: rachel, 22-04-2009 : 15:51
I love kyle bullock
Comment by: gette, 21-04-2009 : 04:30
how can i play pokemon battle arena
i can't even start the game and i don't know what button to press. please would someone give some idea how to play
Comment by: chelsie, 07-04-2009 : 17:33
i havent actually played it but i would like it back so i can play it
Comment by: joshua, 28-03-2009 : 20:55
i cant wait to play your game of pokemon
Comment by: qwer, 26-03-2009 : 22:52
i want to have pokemon lagias
Comment by: cool dude, 15-03-2009 : 10:43
hey play this game after a lot of time. u ll see the version will increase , but ull have to start from beggning
Comment by: sam langford, 03-03-2009 : 22:35
this game is stupid. it wont let us make an account it wont work.
Comment by: ty james kriston, 08-02-2009 : 06:52
i love pokemon,they are so cool.if pokemon were real i would be so happy
Comment by: yoboy, 30-01-2009 : 00:39
How do you get the elite four /
Comment by: ken shepherd, 21-11-2008 : 11:36
my son bradley shepherd loves the game so much that he doesn't wault's to go to school
Comment by: bradley shepherd, 21-11-2008 : 11:30
pokemon crater is one of the madest games ever to be made
Comment by: mahesh, 19-11-2008 : 16:13
good games from that time
Comment by: cameron delaney, 19-11-2008 : 08:36
do i need a pc to play that game
Comment by: Jeffrey, 17-11-2008 : 22:29
MAN! This SUCKS more then any thing in the univers. I had Mewtow and other POKEMON
Comment by: joey lol, 16-11-2008 : 01:43
this game is awesome
Comment by: cheskov, 15-11-2008 : 09:08
How Memeng get in pokemon emerald?
Comment by: lockpo, 11-11-2008 : 06:20
it is so stupid it is gone i had lots of good pokemon.
Comment by: jack74, 28-10-2008 : 10:56
pokemon is the best i love it its the best game in the world
Comment by: easa, 05-10-2008 : 12:43
on pokemon crater the new one beta0.1 it wont let you make a new profile
p.s ive never played it before
Comment by: Luke Harvey, 29-09-2008 : 06:12
I think your game was the best pokemon game ever! So I really hated it when you had shut pokemoncrater and Ihad already caught all of the legenderies.
Comment by: Corey, 28-07-2008 : 13:51
its back online now heres the site
hope it makes you people happier :D
Comment by: walker, 17-07-2008 : 21:39
i got every legendary on this and i instantly got cash from them quick....i was left with a golden trio....entei, suicune and raikou...i kept them after a while and then it was deleted just like that...every thing was gone...shut down....i wonder if my account is still working after this...? hope so cause i miss my raikou alot....
Comment by: walker, 17-07-2008 : 21:31
i wish it would be put back up sucks to have it gone, when do you think it will be back? i love it and no other pokemon game is simular in any way....i feel as if i forgot it already....
Comment by: duckieboy21, 18-06-2008 : 16:53
why did you shut it down my pokemon were wsome i beat every elite four person and gym leader plus i had all lvl 100 pokemon like infernap torara empoleon vespergeunn and so on can you pleace put pokemon crater back up if you cant do it get one of your friends to it so tons ofpeople are not sad it was the best website i ever gone on in my life p.s some people said that you chnge the adres can you tell me it if thats true
Comment by: Jordan, 26-04-2008 : 03:50
dude it sucks that it got taken away! I had like so many awesome pokemon on it and so many friends! i hate that its not on anymore. im mad cause ive been dying to play some sort of pokemon game and this is like my fave one. T_T
Comment by: Jake, 22-04-2008 : 18:57
It is the best game in the world.
Comment by: jake, 21-04-2008 : 06:24
i will like pokemon crater back because it is a fun and good game plus i had a file on it and i had all the things i wanted so i want the game back
Comment by: curtis, 23-03-2008 : 12:50
it now says the following in the whois:
Nintendo of America Inc.
4820 150th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052-5111

So I assume Nitendo got rid of it.

http://modulargaming free open source game framework
Comment by: del, 26-02-2008 : 17:16
look can you put pokemon crater back please its the best game ever...please can you do it not just for me for all the pokemon fans please will you please im please do it and put pokemon crater back everyone loves it please...
Comment by: the game king, 24-01-2008 : 22:45
who knows why it not work????
Comment by: Kill for Chicken, 15-09-2007 : 02:12
Nooobs^^! Not a Cheat but a Fast way to Train!: Go to Cpu Contolled and Type in Zedja then Type in the Type of pokemon u want to Train! Example: Zedjaghost Trainrs Ghost Pokemon! Tip: Ghost,Dark,Ground,Flying Work Good against Zedja since they don't take damage! Tip2: After u click attack Rapidtly Altreante between F5 and Enter! - Makes Battle Easier!
Comment by: Mr_Hobo, 11-08-2007 : 10:27
look, legendaries just appear randomly. Just be patient. MY technique: don't play pokemon crater till 1 week or 3 days so the legendaries will appear. I caught Lugia at the grass.
Comment by: curtis21331, 16-06-2007 : 02:54
to get mew you go to the mansion
to get arceas go to the rock/ice cave
to get celebi go to the rock cave
to get dritinice go to the r cave
to get latios go to a grass mp
toget suicune go to the r cave
if you want to know where you cacth legendary mail me at curtis21331
Comment by: BlahBlah, 06-06-2007 : 02:32
Instead of moving around pressing F5 will reload the page and give you different pokemon........Also, you have the same chance of finding a rare specific type of pokemon as you have the same chance of finding a legendary pokemon....
Comment by: Brandon, 20-05-2007 : 18:36
do i have to beat the sinnho to find legendary because i beat every gym leader except sinnoh elite four.
Comment by: cheater, 03-05-2007 : 23:50
hey guys i got cool trick this wont work all the time but mostly all in pokemon creterwhen you atach press a movement then atach but quickly scroll down before the next page appeared and press on a item then use it
after that you will use an item and atach you cant see how much damage it does but it did damage your apponnent
Comment by: ladylestat, 17-04-2007 : 01:07
Jack: Legendaries are random. Sometimes you can go days without seeing them even if you have beaten the elite 4. Wander around all of the maps and at some point you'll run into them.
Comment by: jack, 14-04-2007 : 21:41
I want legendries, how do i find em? because I've beaten the elite fours and all the gym leaders and I've played this for two weeks and still no legendries appear ?
Comment by: beast_slayer, 14-04-2007 : 02:12
to get Entei you just have to walk alot around in the lava cave.(same for drantire and moltres:))
Comment by: will, 09-04-2007 : 23:27
I found deoxys, dratinice (ice) in the cave and i found dratinire (fire) in the lava cave. if u want to battle me my accout is willbat
Comment by: minor-problem, 07-04-2007 : 12:37
I used to go on Pokémoncrater until they changed the web address now i cant get on anymore :(
Comment by: jun choi2, 26-03-2007 : 08:28
you get jirachi and mewtwo in the rock cave
Comment by: Daniel, 21-02-2007 : 06:01
I hope this game will update someday with many attacks, I'm accepting live battle challenges...
If you want to battle me send me a message first. I'm giving tips and strategies also, but cheats? noh...
I don't like cheating...
Comment by: snake_master7, 15-02-2007 : 14:02
how do u get mew and mewto
Comment by: cameron, 09-02-2007 : 19:32
i am very good at this game check out my file its called josh and cameron
Comment by: wahajh1, 09-02-2007 : 00:55
how do we get lugia
Comment by: Hannan, 06-02-2007 : 05:42
Yo mama.Does any1 know Pokemon Crater Cheats????I want it

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